Public applications and models 92
ADHD medication among 0-19 year olds in Sweden
Dashboard plotting the number of people in Sweden aged 0-19 who have have filled a prescription for ADHD medications each year.
Owner:Arnold Kochari
Explores interpretability for chest X-ray pathology predictions using methods—Grad-CAM, LIME, SHAP, and LRP. It provides heatmaps and evaluation metrics for better insights into the medical significance of predictions made by deep learning models.
Owner:Mahbub Ul Alam
MMAtt-DTA: MultiModal Attention Drug-Target Affinity prediction
Owner:Aleksandr Kushnir
Suite of data science tools build by Fraunhofer ITMP
Owner:Yojana Gadiya
PK Predictor
PK Predictor is an open-source app framework built specifically for predicting human and animal PK parameters
Owner:Hamza Saeed
Dashboard for comparing child-BMI
Comparing 4 types of the most common reference populations for child sex- and age-adjusted Body Mass Index (BMI)
Owner:Maja Engsner
Chemid Convert
Service that provides a REST Api to convert between different chemical notations. More info:
Owner:Hamza Saeed
New interventions to control malaria depend on a deep understanding of the parasite that causes the disease. The PlasmoGEM project produces free genetic tools for research on malaria parasites. We also use the reagents in genetic screens to identify parasite gene functions at scale. The purpose of this database is to share data generated by the p...
Owner:Vikash Pandey
Predict SMILES encodings of chemical structure depictions in images
Allows users to either upload an image file or take a picture using their webcam and get a prediction the chemical structure depicted in the image in SMILES notation.
Owner:Arnold Kochari
Design tool for PbHiT sgRNA vectors
This site provides a databases of knockout designs targeting the entire Plasmodium berghei protein encoding genome using the PbHiT CRISPR system as described in Jonsdottir et al. DOI:
Owner:Johan Henriksson
United Kingdom Flower Classification App
This app allows users to input an image (in jpeg format) of a flower and get a prediction on what type of flower it is from a machine learning model. Top three most likely flower types according to the model’s prediction are shown.
Owner:Arnold Kochari
In-silico Drug Repurposing Catalogue REMEDi4ALL (iDRC-R4A).
Owner:Aleksandr Kushnir
Predicting chemical EC50 and EC10 ecotoxiticy values towards fish, aquatic invertebrate, and algae for a diverse set of effects using AI. Publication in Science Advances available through DOI:
Owner:Käll Styrbjörn
PTP: Predictive Target Profile
API for Predicting Off-Target Binding Profiles With Confidence Using Conformal Prediction. Refer to for the paper describing the tool.
Owner:Hamza Saeed
KG Dashboard
Dashboard for the R4A Expertise KG
Owner:Yojana Gadiya
Differential Expression Analysis for Suprcellfatory project
Trancriptom analysis for Suprcellfactories project
Owner:Rasool Saghaleyni
Single Cell Analysis of Inhibitory Efferents of the Lateral Line
scRNASeq of 55 samples from zebrafish brain. This project aims to characterize expression profile of different cell types.
Owner:Nima Rafati
RNA-Seq Power
Power analysis for RNA-Seq experiment. Estimate number of samples required and more.
Owner:Roy Francis
Gutsy Atlas
Companion resource to the article, 'An online atlas of human plasma metabolite signatures of gut microbiome composition' by Dekkers et al
Owner:Koen Dekkers
Meta-analysis of skeletal muscle response to exercise and inactivity
Owner:Nicolas Pillon
Predgui Multiple Molecules
Application that allows users to get predictive data about compound (Multiple Molecules)
Owner:Hamza Saeed
Application that allows users to get predictive data about compound (Single Molecule)
Owner:Hamza Saeed
Imminent myocardial infarction prediction model
Imminent myocardial infarction prediction model. In patients free from prior cardiovascular disease, we aimed to identify characteristics of an imminent first heart attack and design a prediction model.
Owner:Stefan Gustafsson
Dictyostelium discoideum RNA-seq and proteomics developmental time course
Shiny app for displaying Dictyostelium discoideum RNA-seq and proteomics data, from the publication Edelbroek et al. 2024
Owner:Jakub Westholm
pKa model
Model to predict the pKa of compounds
Owner:Yojana Gadiya
All the browsable datasets from Lee et al 2024. "Open source, high throughput, targeted in situ transcriptomics"
Owner:Marco Grillo
DILI Predictor
DILI Predictor is an open-source app framework built specifically for human drug-induced liver injury (DILI). DILI Predictor employs eleven proxy-DILI labels from in vitro and in vivo datasets along with pharmacokinetic parameters, structural fingerprints and physicochemical parameters as features.
Owner:Hamza Saeed
Biome-specific gene catalogues have been recovered for many environments using shotgun metagenomics, followed by assembly and gene calling on the assembled contigs. We recently proposed a novel mix-assembly strategy, combining individual and co-assembly approaches, and used this approach to assemble an extensive non-redundant gene set from 124 Bal...
Owner:Johan Alfredéen
COVID-19 in Sweden
This dashboard visualises the spread of COVID-19 in Sweden: confirmed cases, ICU admissions, and deaths between February 2020 and March 2023.
Owner:Arnold Kochari
Conformal regression model for predicting LogD for drug-like molecules, trained on ChEMBL version 33 with over 2.2M compounds using the CPSign software.
Owner:Staffan Arvidsson McShane
Ames Mutagenicity Prediction
Predicts Ames Mutagenicity for a chemical structure using an SVM model with Signatures features via the CPSign modeling tool.
Owner:Ola Spjuth
RepurposeDrugs - an interactive web-based data portal and predictive platform for repurposing mono- and combination therapies.
Owner:Aleksandr Kushnir
Developmental human heart ISS
Modelling of cell-type signatures in the developmental human heart
Owner:Christophe Avenel
Human heart development (ISS)
Human heart development ISS datasets generated for Lazar 2024.
Owner:Sergio Marco Salas
Spatial transcriptome mapping of the desmoplastic growth pattern of colorectal liver metastases
Colorectal cancer usually metastasizes in the liver. Tumor cells can create two types of metastases: desmoplastic (DHGP) or replacement (RHGP). DHGP is characterized by a fibrotic rim that encapsulates the tumor cells and is associated with a better survival. In this project, we found two distinct areas in the rim: an outer area representing a ben...
Owner:Axel Andersson
ALLIUM (ALL subtype Identification Using Machine learning) is a multimodal classifier of molecular subtypes in pediatric acute lymphoblastic leukemia, using DNA methylation (DNAm) and gene expression (GEX) data
Owner:Mariya Lysenkova Wiklander
Demo of ROC curves PR curves and decision boundaries
Demo of ROC curves, PR curves, and decision boundaries for teaching purposes, By Johan Henriksson. Source at
Owner:Johan Henriksson
Demo of xgboost and decision trees
Demo of xgboost and decision trees for teaching purposes. By Johan Henriksson, Source at
Owner:Johan Henriksson
DICTrank Predictor
DICTrank Predictor is an open-source app framework built specifically for human drug-induced cardiotoxicity (DICT).DICTrank Predictor employs physicochemical parameters as feature. For more details look at
Owner:Hamza Saeed
cpLogD API
API for model that predicts water–octanol distribution coefficient (logD) for chemical compounds: It is a proxy for the lipophilicity which is a major determinant of drug properties and overall suitability of drug candidates
Owner:Hamza Saeed
A Shiny webapp for creating a Seurat object without programming expertise. Load a count matrix directory, interactively filter on metadata, view results, download Seurat object and results of differential gene expression testing.
Owner:Rasmus Olofzon
Demo of penalized linear models (elastic net)
Demo of penalized linear models (elastic net) for teaching purposes. By Johan Henriksson, Source at
Owner:Johan Henriksson
Demo of Bayesian linear models
Demo of Bayesian linear models for teaching purposes. By Johan Henriksson, Source at
Owner:Johan Henriksson
Demo of Bayesian updating
Demo of Bayesian updating for teaching purposes. By Johan Henriksson, Source at
Owner:Johan Henriksson
Demo of markov chains and HMMs
Demo of markov chains and HMMs for teaching purposes. By Johan Henriksson, Source at
Owner:Johan Henriksson
Demo of the Poisson distribution
Demo of the Poisson distribution, as relevant for NGS, for teaching purposes, By Johan Henriksson. Source at
Owner:Johan Henriksson
Demo of statistical distributions
Demo of statistical distributions for teaching purposes. By Johan Henriksson, Source at
Owner:Johan Henriksson
Keywords VOS
Co-occurrence plots created using VOS viewer . There are three plots in total, each based on publications from a different SciLifeLab reporting group (i.e. affiliated researchers, infrastructure units, and SciLifeLab fellows). In each plot, we have considered the KeyWords Plus associated with each paper.
Owner:Senthilkumar Panneerselvam
Color Balance Checker
An app to check color balance in indexes for sequencing
Owner:Alma Hansen
Shiny app for exploration of the Genome-wide PeptidoGlycan Profiling dataset of Vibrio cholerae mutant library. Access to this app is password protected while it is under peer review.
Owner:Laura Alvarez
BridgeDb: framework to map identifiers between various biological databases
The mappings are provided for genes, proteins, metabolites, metabolic reactions, diseases, complexes and publications. This is a REST service for programmatic access to BridgeDb content, provided with interactive Swagger documentation using OpenAPI. For more info see
Owner:Arnold Kochari
Adipose Tissue Gene Expression Visualization
Supplemental interactive visualization of Adipose Tissue Gene expression after exercise. Built using flexdashboard.
Owner:Leonidas Lundell
A tool to predict the risk of experiencing refractory/relapse disease within two years in DLBCL patients treated with R-CHOP.
Owner:Hui Wan
A single shiny solution from sequencer data to pathway analysis
Owner:Jyotirmoy Das
Wellness study CB2030 Systems biology course
This Shiny app is used the course CB2030 Systems biology at KTH Royal Instute of Technology.
Owner:Thanadol Sutantiwanichkul
Cell Chat
CellChat's Shiny app which allows interactive exploration of the cell-cell communication that are analyzed by the CellChat R-package
Owner:Christophe Avenel
OmicLoupe server. See for info about OmicLoupe.
Owner:Fredrik Levander
3D igraph from tsne with variable genes (Data from Tiklova et al. 2016)
Owner:Nanjiang Shu
NHP Shiny
Single cell RNA sequencing dataset associated with the manuscript "Amnion signals are essential for mesoderm formation in primates"
Owner:Nanjiang Shu
LTS project
scRNA-seq data in: Small molecule screen identifies a salt-inducible kinase inhibitor inducing β-cell proliferation by transiently activating the unfolded protein response
Owner:Nanjiang Shu
NBIS Support 4884
Byrnes, Lauren E., et al. Lineage dynamics of murine pancreatic development at single-cell resolution
Owner:Nanjiang Shu
Boreal Rhizospheric Atlas
The Boreal Rhizospheric Atlas online tool was created to encourage exploration of a metatranscriptomic dataset of Norway spruce fine roots and their associated fungal communities from nutrient limited and nutrient enriched forest plots of the boreal region of Northern Sweden.
Owner:Nicolas Delhomme