SciLifeLab Serve allows to run web-browser based integrated development environments (IDEs). Currently, Jupyter Lab, RStudio, and VSCode are supported. These can be created in any Project that a user has created by selecting the corresponding card in the interface. Each IDE instance receives 2 vCPU and 4 GB of memory/RAM.

IDEs are an experimental feature on SciLifeLab Serve, hence not well-documented.

Each project on SciLifeLab Serve has a persistent volume (folder) attached to it, called 'project-vol'. All IDE instances created within that project can get access to this persistent volume. Please make sure to save all your data files, script files, output from computations, etc. inside 'project-vol'; the files located elsewhere can be deleted at any point.

Each IDE instance is automatically deleted after seven days. The data in the persistent volume is not deleted and can be accessed again when a new instance is created.

Each IDE instance can be set to be visible only to the owner (permissions set to Private) or to everyone who has been added to a project (permissions set to Project).

The SciLifeLab Serve user guide is powered by django-wiki, an open source application under the GPLv3 license. Let knowledge be the cure.